Office of Attendance
Rochelle Chenoweth, Director
304-636-9150 Ext. 140
Email [email protected]
Welcome to the Randolph County Schools
Office of Attendance
If you need to speak with the Attendance Director regarding homeschool, attendance, work permits, Hope Scholarship, or homebound services, an appointment is recommended.
Looking for HOmeschool information?
Scroll down (info on right)
Have a question about exams and the exam guidelines?
contact your child's school. The Attendance dept handles truancy situations, not secondary exams.
The schools in Randolph County offer so many opportunities for students. Each day of attendance matters! Students learn from their peers, experience opportunities through technology and field trips, and participate in hands-on learning activities with their teachers and school staff.
Have questions related to school attendance? You can find answers to the following topics: - Attendance Policies and Practices - School Calendar Dates - Hope Scholarship - Homeschool Information - Homebound Instruction - Work Permits - Drivers License Guidelines - Homebound Instruction - Homeless Education If you have questions, please contact our office. |
Visit The Attendance Matters Graduates Slideshow! |
Attendance Matters
Out of Zone Form/In-County Transfer Form
DRivers License Information
educational leave
Homebound Instruction
work permitsWork Permits/Forms:
Work Permit Information:
HomeSchool informationUse the link below for the Guidance & Considerations for County Homeschool Policy Homeschool Notice of Intent & Application (Please complete and submit both documents).
Applying for Homeschool? Here are the forms to submit:
Returning to Public School? Please submit this form:
Homeschool Assessment Option Form
A WV certified teacher must review the portfolio and complete the Assessment Review form (available above).
You can find potential reviewers here or may call area schools to see if an educator is interested. If you continue to have trouble locating an evaluator, the GSA/School Day SAT is a yearly option. Annual Information -- Assessment information included
General Information:
Hope ScholarshipHope Scholarship Notice of Intent Form
Hope Scholarship Program -- Academic Progress Review Form
Hope Scholarship Information
Homebound & Hospital instruction
Homebound instruction is a short-term option for students having health needs. Applications are to be submitted for review every 90 days. If you have a question about homebound, speak with your child's principal or contact the Attendance Dept. at 304-636-9150 x 140.
virtual school information
WV Virtual School applications are reviewed before the start of each school semester. Please email: [email protected] for more information.
Grade reports and attendance records are factors in determining eligibility to the program. Please note: WV Virtual School registration is not open throughout the year. There are beginning of semester registration deadlines. |
Homeless Education
If you live in any of the following situations:
then, you have certain rights or protections under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act. For more information please click here.
WVDE Homeless Education Site
- In a shelter, motel, vehicle, or campground
- On the street
- In an abandoned building, trailer, or other inadequate accommodations, or
- Doubled up with friends or relatives because you cannot find or afford housing
then, you have certain rights or protections under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act. For more information please click here.
WVDE Homeless Education Site
Homeless Education Brochure.pdf | |
File Size: | 1240 kb |
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