Special Education
Welcome you to the Department of Special Education for Randolph County Schools. Our goal is to provide a free appropriate public education to identified students with disabilities and gifted students according to Federal, State, and County policies and procedures.
Randolph County Schools offer services to all identified exceptional students between the ages of three and twenty-one. Services are provided in the areas of Autism, Blindness and Low Vision, Deafblindness, Deafness, Developmental Delay, Emotional/Behavior Disorder, Gifted, Hard of Hearing, Intellectual Disability, Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Speech/Language Impairment and Traumatic Brain Injury. We also offer physical therapy and occupational therapy services. Contractual services supplement those offered directly by school personnel. Contractual services include psychological, vocational and other assessments, audiological services, life skills teaching, and other special services.
Staff members or parents interested in making referrals for special services consideration of school age students are to contact the School Assistance Team within the student's school. This Team assists in designing modifications, management strategies, and/or alternative curriculum for students within the regular school program, conducts screening, and forwards referrals to the central office for further evaluation and implementation of due process procedures when appropriate.
The following document, that is on file in each principal's office and the Randolph County Board of Education Office, which provides detailed information regarding provision of special education services, is Policy 2419: Regulations for the Education of Exceptional Students, published by the West Virginia Department of Education. For more information contact the Randolph County Board of Education Special Education Department in Elkins, WV at 1-304-636-9150 ext. 133.
Randolph County Schools offer services to all identified exceptional students between the ages of three and twenty-one. Services are provided in the areas of Autism, Blindness and Low Vision, Deafblindness, Deafness, Developmental Delay, Emotional/Behavior Disorder, Gifted, Hard of Hearing, Intellectual Disability, Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Speech/Language Impairment and Traumatic Brain Injury. We also offer physical therapy and occupational therapy services. Contractual services supplement those offered directly by school personnel. Contractual services include psychological, vocational and other assessments, audiological services, life skills teaching, and other special services.
Staff members or parents interested in making referrals for special services consideration of school age students are to contact the School Assistance Team within the student's school. This Team assists in designing modifications, management strategies, and/or alternative curriculum for students within the regular school program, conducts screening, and forwards referrals to the central office for further evaluation and implementation of due process procedures when appropriate.
The following document, that is on file in each principal's office and the Randolph County Board of Education Office, which provides detailed information regarding provision of special education services, is Policy 2419: Regulations for the Education of Exceptional Students, published by the West Virginia Department of Education. For more information contact the Randolph County Board of Education Special Education Department in Elkins, WV at 1-304-636-9150 ext. 133.
Department InformationOffice of Special Education
40 11th Street Elkins, WV 26241 (304) 636-9150 Ext. 133 Director: April Senic Secretary: Chris Currence Psychologist: Katelynn Torrence Preschool Liason: LaDonna Rosencrance Physical Therapist: Darlene Clark Occupational Therapist: Debra Groves Behavior Intervention Specialist: Rebecca Webley IEP Specialist: Charlotte Armentrout |
Questions and Answers
Question: How long does it take from the referral process to having the eligibility meeting?
Answer: From the date we receive parental consent, the process takes 80 days.
Question: How does a parent make a referral?
Answer: All parent referrals are to be made to the school principal who in turn will take the referral to the Student Assistant Team (SAT).
Question: At what age can a child receive Special Education through the school system?
Answer: Children with special needs can be placed for services at the age of 3.
Question: How often is an IEP updated?
Answer: Once per year.
Question: How does the MTSS process affect referrals for special education services?
Answer: Mulit Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a process where all children are educated in the regular classroom through differentiated instruction. Once a child is identified as needing extra help or accommodations, those accommodations are made within or outside the regular classroom with extra time as needed for instruction.
Once a child goes through Targeted and Intensive Interventions to gather data, they can be referred for Special Education Services.
Answer: From the date we receive parental consent, the process takes 80 days.
Question: How does a parent make a referral?
Answer: All parent referrals are to be made to the school principal who in turn will take the referral to the Student Assistant Team (SAT).
Question: At what age can a child receive Special Education through the school system?
Answer: Children with special needs can be placed for services at the age of 3.
Question: How often is an IEP updated?
Answer: Once per year.
Question: How does the MTSS process affect referrals for special education services?
Answer: Mulit Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a process where all children are educated in the regular classroom through differentiated instruction. Once a child is identified as needing extra help or accommodations, those accommodations are made within or outside the regular classroom with extra time as needed for instruction.
Once a child goes through Targeted and Intensive Interventions to gather data, they can be referred for Special Education Services.
Useful Links
Adapt WV
http://www.adaptwv.org Books for the Blind http://www.booksfortheblind.org Captioned Media Program/National Association of the Deaf http://www.cfv.org Federal Resource Center for Special Education http://www.dssc.org/frc/ Governor's Schools http://www.wvgovschools.org/ IDEA Regulations http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/IDEA/regs.html IRIS Center for Faculty Enhancement Special Education Resources for Inclusion Research-to-Practice Instructional Strategies http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/ |
Learning Strategies http://www.learningstrategieswv.org
Mountain State Centers for Independent Living Advocacy http://www.mtstcil.org/advocacy/online.html Mountain State Family Alliance http://www.orgsites.com/wv/msfa/ Mountain State Parents' Children and Adolescent Network http://www.mspcan.org WV Advisory Council for the Education of Exceptional Children (WVACEEC) Michael Sullivan, Executive Director Monique Williams, Secretary Marshall University Graduate College Phone: (304) 746-2076 or 1-800-642-3642 ext. 2076 or 2027 TDD 746-2008 email: [email protected] WV Council for Exceptional Children http://wvcec.net Office of Special Education Building 6, Rm 304 1900 Kanawha Blvd Charleston, WV 25305 Phone: 304-558-2696 Fax: 304-558-3741 |
Teacher's Corner
Parent's Place
Principal's Point
Special Education Discipline Flowchart
Special Education Referral and Eligibility Process SAT Referral for Special Education Testing SAT Referral Packet SAT Log SAT Meeting Summary Form |